Morning Motivator – Opening Your Mind

"Where there is an open mind there will always be a frontier."
- Charles F. Kettering 

Ok, ok, ok… I am going to ADMIT something I never have before.  I am SUPER-IMPRESSED by the iPad and iPhone.  I am a long-term endorser of the BlackBerry, its FUNCTIONALITY and usability, yet, this "iWorld" is very interesting. 

This morning, I enjoyed breakfast and a MIND OPENING discussion with long time friend and superior entrepreneur, Philip Steen, owner of Nashville Sports Leagues.  We met to discuss the advanced uses of TECHNOLOGY including Google Apps, website integrations and the ways to create "depth" within our markets utilizing these (and other) such technologies. 

What I found most INTERESTING was my ability to "see" all the potential uses of these "iTechnologies' once I released my prejudices against Apple and BlackBerry.  By allowing myself to LISTEN and HEAR a varied perspective, I have also increased my learning and creativity!  (Thank Phil!)  

As someone that is a PROPONENT of continued learning, I am amazed at the simplicity to become JADED and CLOSED to new ideas.  The BlackBerry world is so deeply integrated into my being that I denied any other options to even be considered. 

Now, I may not CHANGE my tools, but at least I am thinking about how to better use what I have, OR, look at alternatives to create more efficiency and effectiveness. 

How many ideas have you REJECTED on principal alone?  How many are UNJUSTIFIED?  How many OPPORTUNITIES have you overlooked because of your EGO? 

Maybe it is time to OPEN your mind… if "iCan," then "uCan" too!  =) 


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