Morning Motivator - HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUANE!

"I hope that this year is your best ever - personally and professionally."
- Zachary Barker

Today is the birthday of my good FRIEND, Duane Marshall. Besides being one of the most FOCUSED people I know, he is also an EXCEPTIONAL mentor of others.

I sent him "birthday wishes" (yesterday) and his response to me was:

"I've learned to be careful for what you wish or plan for. Because when you put it down on paper and are ready to commit good things usually happen. This year has been no exception and the list I made this morning looks pretty good."

(I hope he isn't mad that I published this). =)

Duane is RIGHT!! Putting your goals ON PAPER increases the dedication, focus and likelihood they will be completed.

I, like Duane, use my birthday as a time of REFLECTION and REFOCUS. I sit quietly and REDEFINE my goals for the next 12 and 36 months. (Anything further is silly as you don't have enough control).

Occasionally, I write down too many goals... Yet I think its better to shoot to HIGH than to settle too LOW. Agree?

Write down your success to achieve it (and Happy Birthday Duane)!!


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