Morning Motivator - Why Boy Scouts are Successful...

"I didn't know what I was looking for, so I didn't know what I'd find."
- Jack Johnson, "Brokedown"

First, I must CONFESS that I was a Cub Scout for a month and never a Boy Scout. I have great RESPECT for those young people that stay committed to the Boy Scouts, especially those that become Eagle Scouts!

As I was listening to Jack Johnson this morning, I was STRUCK with a thought provoked from the above quote. I thought about how so many of us are LOST in a world of material fulfillments, short sighted goals and meaningless, empty success. The root CAUSE of this seems to be the lack of DIRECTION and FOCUS towards achieving anything meaningful, as well as just defining "meaningful."

What Boy Scouts have that many others lack, is the skill of ORIENTEERING. The ability to find ones way using simple tools, such as a compass and map. It is not that they are EXCEPTIONALLY intelligent or NATURALLY gifted with the ability to find their way - they just know how to SET A GOAL and use the tools available to ACHIEVE it.

What DIRECTION are you going in? Are you FINDING the success you are seeking? Do you even have a DEFINITION of "success?"

If you have been challenged with a feeling of EMPTINESS in your success or a LACK OF PURPOSE in your actions, it may be caused by the fact that you are not properly ORIENTED on your success map.

Without a clear DEFINITION of MILESTONE goals, an understanding of the TOOLS required to get you there and the SUPPORT of those in your pack, you will likely continue to WANDER AIMLESSLY around in search of "success," hoping you will "know it when you get there."

End the WANDERING. Set a SPECIFIC target goal. Get the TOOLS. Get MOTIVATED. Get MOVING.

Success is at the end of a path of POSITIVE decisions!


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