Morning Motivator - Ride the Horse!

"Either get on the horse and ride it or let the darn thing go.  Standing next to it is pointless!"
- Zach Barker (07/29/10)

Yoda says, "Do or do not…" and I agree. 

How many times have you LISTENED to someone talk about what they are "going to do," only to hear it again a year later?  How many people have SHARED their fantasies (not dreams, because dreams have action) with you, having no REAL intent to ever do anything about them?

Why would anyone TALK about "what they want to do" if they do not plan to do anything about it?

Consider RIDING a horse.  You either get on the horse to ride or not.  Standing by it is not riding, but its "CLOSE."  Petting the horse makes you "FEEL" connected, but does not actually account for riding.  Even sitting in the saddle does NOT account for the ACTION of riding…

If you are near the horse, just get on.  If you do not like it – GET OFF!  Either way… do something!

ACTION and IMPLEMENTATION are the great separators of success.  Someone else may be smarter, better looking, more talented, or have a family pedigree… HOWEVER, if they are LAZY or APATHETIC – you CAN (and will) beat them every single time!

It is just a horse (metaphorically speaking).  Jump in the saddle and kick your heels.  If you decide it is more than you can HANDLE, jump off!  At least then you will have SATISFIED your inkling to ride and can then focus on what's next.

Moreover, if you love… well, then you have ELIMINATED your excuses for going even further with it.  Let's ride!!



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