Morning Motivator – Here Goes Nothing…

“Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's character.”
- Chinese Proverbs

Many years ago, my mentor, Bill Long, gave me wonderful GUIDANCE about commitment. He said, “If you are going to start it, you better commit to seeing it is delivered every time…” He was speaking regarding an email newsletter I was publishing; however, I BELIEVE it was a much deeper lesson.

Last Friday, you may have noticed, that I FAILED to deliver the Morning Motivator to you. I failed to KEEP my promise.

Worst of all, when you CEASE to execute something, you are FORCED to start over from square one, recommit and EXCISE greater effort than before to just get going. It is easy to STOP once you have done it one time. Think about the last time you “skipped a day” at the gym… (For me that was 6 weeks ago)

With all that said, I have examined my SYSTEMS and am seeking a better DISTRIBUTION process. I am MAKING SURE that I do not fail in what I love doing again…

Everyone MESSES up. Not everyone RECOVERS. Few have the wherewithal to even ADMIT their error and make amends.

When (not if) you make a MISTAKE or DISAPPOINT those that trust you… OWN IT! Accept your responsibility, seek resolutions to see that you do not do it again (at least not the same way) and DEDICATE yourself to finding better processes to overcome next time.

Most people are UNDERSTANDING and will not punish you long term (although you should expect some short-term “ripping”). Just get back on the horse and start riding again…

Remember, your ABILITY to persevere will set you apart, as most others will never try again!



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