Morning Motivator – Meaningful Accomplishments Take Time

"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves."
- Edmund Hillary

This weekend, I CELEBRATED accomplishments with two people I care for dearly – my sister, Olivia and my best friend, Todd Shafer.  This weekend they both GRADUATED from Middle Tennessee State University.

Olivia attained her MASTERS degree after two years of dedicated including spending more than a month in Europe at the very end of her studies (a challenge I am sure).  My best friend, Todd, attained his Bachelors degree.  This may not seem quite as BIG of a deal, unless you KNOW that Todd has been working on this degree for near 12 years.

Already a SUCCESSFUL business leader and manager, Todd had very little INCENTIVE to get his degree.  He has achieved professional status and financial gain without that piece of paper so many say is NECESSARY to succeed.  This is what makes this achievement so MEANINGFUL and motivating…

Our focus finds CHALLENGE daily with temptations. 

We are tempted to remain STAGNANT in our place in life because we have found "current success."  Our pain is LESS than that of what it takes to change and improve, thus we stay COMPLACENT, settling for what we have as our "success," rather than seeking out our dreams.

What will Todd (or even Olivia) DO with their degrees?  NOTHING.  They are just pieces of paper.  What will they do with their UNDERSTANDING that they can achieve when focused on a goal?  ANYTHING they want.

Congrats to you BOTH for your hard work!  Go forward and inspire us all again to ACHIEVE more in our life…



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