"Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress."
- Bruce Barton
How does your SUCCESS start daily? Do you START work at the same time each day? Do you spend the FIRST hour opening emails? Do you start by REACTING to voice mails? What is your "SUCCESS GROOVE"?
A great MENTOR of mine, Andy Bailey of NationLink Wireless, has CONSISTENTLY preached the gospel of rhythm – a dedicated effort to replicate successful actions in a pattern. Utilizing focused organizational meetings, task prioritization and delegation – you can CREATE your own "groove."
Does this mean that you have to create a BORING, REPETITIVE schedule, where you do the same exact things every single day for the rest of your uneventful life?? OF COURSE NOT!! It just means you have a DEFINED system of execution.
A few very simple tasks can assist you in creating YOUR success groove…
Put the most important tasks at the front of the day. By eliminating the nasty things first, you often open up your afternoons for creative thought, idea testing and even a round of golf on occasion.
Create "blocks" of time to execute tasks. You DO NOT have to use the same blocks day after day, yet you need use the same blocks daily. Let me explain. If you choose to do cold calls from 8-11am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - do it every MWF. The 8-10a on Tuesday, Thursday can be used for FOLLOW UP calls – every T,Th at the same time. Make sense??
Create time in the week for you to REWARD yourself for sticking to your SCHEDULE. Fridays 12pm-4pm can be used to play golf with a client IF (and only IF) you stick to the schedule during the week and CREATE the time to do it. Play golf and use it for business – how cool is that!?
Find YOUR groove – Test your groove – Then STICK to your groove. You will find yourself GROOVING to the bank more often too!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.
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