"It is no coincidence that FourSquare uses the term 'mayor' for the leader of its local groups. It is still politics, only more technical."
- Zachary Barker (that's me!}
The enthusiasm people have for "social media" FASCINATES me. The advent of FaceBook, Twitter, FourSquare, and other "social" apps, has created a BUZZ unlike any other. People can now "check in" at their local hot spots, "tweet" about what they are eating for dinner or post every picture ever taken into a shared folder for others to view.
And still, we have the question… What is it social media "DOES?"
Social media has created an EASY way of creating POLITICAL interest groups. Members are able to LEVERAGE their interests with others (often without knowing one another), also creating an EASY interface to communicate and aggregate data.
Again… What is it social media "DOES?"
I SUGGEST that social media is in its "developmental" stages for real application. HOWEVER, I believe that it has the capacity for LEADERSHIP to direct efforts to improve communications, increase business revenues, enhance customer experiences and leverage purchasing power together.
The REAL QUESTION we should be asking is… Who will lead these GROUPS?
Currently, most people are "following" ideas, people who represent ideas, even inanimate objects (Facebook "pickle" to see what I mean). Still, no one is LEADING these groups. Will you accept the challenge? Will you FIND ways to create ACTIONABLE items for these groups?
What if you were able to CREATE an ACTIONABLE solution for people that "Hate Standing in Lines"? By creating a SOLUTION for standing in line – you become the LEADER of the people that "Hate" it (and you know exactly where to find them… they already tagged themselves!!)
Groups are QUICK to identify themselves with labels and beliefs. Leaders are ASKED to accept the challenge to helping these people solve their need. Are you a "member" of those groups, or are you going to be a LEADER of them?
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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