"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Lately, I have been listening to a song named "Magic" by b.o.b. It is a nice BLEND of hip/hop and rock. Give it a listen – it is worth it!
What the song has done is make me PONDER the idea of harnessing the "MAGIC" inside of ourselves and using that to perpetuate our success. I am now considering, what my SPECIFIC "magic" is and better ways to use that in achieving success. Do you know what YOUR magic is?
I would suggest that your MAGIC is the gift that God has given you. You know, the one special trait you seem to possess that is either exclusive or better than most everyone else. Remember that you don't have to be the single, most powerful or best person with your trait – just BETTER than the vast majority of people around you.
The funny thing about using your MAGIC is that most people are afraid to use it or are bashful about using it. Why?
Most often they either KNOW that they can win most of the time using it or they have a gift in an area they don't really have much attraction to.
You CANNOT be afraid to use your magic. If your gift is "gab," then go out and talk to as many people about what you do as possible. If your MAGIC is motivation, find a cause you believe in and help others who are lost find their way. IF you special magic is numbers, even if you hate numbers, find a way to LEVERAGE your MAGIC to your success.
God has given you a special MAGIC – use it or lose it. Either way, it is YOURS. You better find a way to get the MOST out of it!!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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