Morning Motivator – The Problem with Right and Wrong

"To begin with, our perception of the world is deformed, incomplete. Then our memory is selective. Finally, writing transforms."
- Claude Simon

Yesterday, a VALID point was made as I was meeting with a local attorney.  He noted that "the problem with right and wrong is that there is no absolute basis to measure from.  Everything is perception and interpretation."  WOWZA!

I was literally BRAINSTORMING today's Morning Motivator from that comment.  He is RIGHT!  Consider your clients or spouse in a situation where you KNOW you are right in principle and practice, however, the other person does not PERCEIVE the same and thus you have major CONFLICT.  Who is right?  What IS right?

Laws and policies are "generally accepted rules" by groups.  They are not ABSOLUTE.  They are not even APPLICABLE from state to state or country to country.  If you need a GREAT example, read about alcohol in the United States.

ACCEPT today that you are NEVER absolutely right or wrong.  It is IMPOSSIBLE to be. 

Rather, accept that INTERPRETATION of right and wrong is the gauge by which you should be measuring your success.  If a client BELIEVES it is acceptable to call you at 2am on Sunday morning to help with a technical issue, then you must ACCEPT or DENY that to be "right" and act accordingly.

While there are COUNTLESS examples of interpretations of right and wrong, I SUGGEST to you that you determine what is right and wrong for YOU.  Live by those beliefs in your personal actions, and understand that others may not be of the same perception.



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