Morning Motivator – Ask Your Way to the Top!

"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever."
-Chinese Proverbs

I must admit, SIMILAR to when I moved from San Diego to Nashville many years ago, this move top Lafayette has helped me take the next LEAP to success.  Let me explain how you can do it without UPROOTING yourself to get there.

The funny thing about moving is that when you get where you are going, you know NO ONE and NOTHING about the community.  Thus, you are FORCED to ask questions.  From who is Mayor to how do I get to the coolest bar in town?  You are REQUIRED to ask question after question to LEARN about your surroundings.

SUCCESS is the result of asking more questions and getting better answers.  When you are FORCED into a situation that the only manner of survival is in questioning everyone and everything, you find that you are more informed, better connected and well-liked within your new community.

What if you could meet the leaders of your community?  What if you had relationships with the business leaders in your local area?  What could you do?

Here is my secret: "Ask questions about the stuff you REALLY want.  Don't ask about anything else."

It seems silly to say that, but many people are INDIRECT in their requests for opportunity and/or information. 

If you want to be a LEADER in your political community, go to the top of the ladder (as you know it) and ask to be involved.  If you want to meet business leaders, go to the person or group that ORGANIZES these leaders and ask to serve on a committee.  If you want people to LIKE you, ask their name. 

ASKING QUESTIONS is easy to do.  Getting over the FEAR of being judged is not.  When you HESITATE to ask the next question, ask yourself this one first, "Would I treat this person poorly if they asked the same question of me?"


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