Morning Motivator – Stay Away From My FaceBook!

"We are blocking FaceBook and other personal sites to improve productivity."
- Corporate Policy

You have to LOVE corporate policy.  You know, the idea that a company somehow benefits from the single-minded OPINION of someone that the rules do not apply to anyhow.

Do you think FaceBook is just a FAD?  Do you believe that social media is a TOY for a new generation of computer users?  Have you been ENGAGING in the "new world" enough to notice that entire businesses and strategic marketing campaigns run EFFECTIVELY through FaceBook?

While this is only my personal opinion, I feel that FaceBook and other web based media platforms are an ADVANTAGE that corporations should seek to exploit, rather than block out.

A true PROFESSIONAL will quickly tell you that business is made based on RELATIONSHIPS.  The people at FaceBook will tell you that the 'book is a collection of social relationships in a single source.  It would then seem that a social aggregation tool, such as FaceBook, would be an ADVANTAGE for business that is based on relationships.  Are you listening Mr. CEO??

Secondarily, let us be REALISTIC.  When was the last time you witnessed anyone put in eight totally PRODUCTIVE hours of work?  Uh, Never!  People need breaks.  We will ALLOW a smoker to go shorten their life span for ten minutes five or more times a day, but get pissed off when someone spends their lunch hour on FaceBook.  (News Flash – FaceBook has not been proven to give you cancer).

Maybe it is time we ACCEPT the world as it is – social media and all.  We EMBRACE the new ways in which we can leverage our RELATIONSHIPS to better our business and personal life.  Or maybe just take a CHILL PILL and realize that a little time on the 'book isn't going to kill anyone.

Be my friend on FaceBook –



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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Zach,
I totally agree that social media is an advantage.

Your comment about smokers taking numerous breaks while non-smokers are urged to stay busy and productive brings back memories of working in another industry where that happened all the time. When non-smokers brought the inequity to managers, they were chastised - even on The Great Smokeout Day!

Social media affords businesses and organizations to reach thousands of people in a matter of seconds. I call that working efficiently and effectively.

:: past morning motivators ::