Morning Motivator – Better Make ‘Em Count

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."
- Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Today is the BIG day!  The FINAL day of all the old ways and the beginning of your new, better habits.  HA!  Let's be serious…

It will take us all about 3 weeks to break every single "resolution" we make.  You know it, I know it and the gym knows it… that is why you get all the specials in January for your "year-long commitment."

Here is the thing about it all.  If You REALLY want it, you WILL do it.  If you want to lose weight – you will.  If you want to quit smoking – you will.  If you want to make more money – you will!

It is just a matter of how much PAIN you are willing to go through or eliminate to get there.  Here is my more friendly suggestion…

Make SPECIFIC, detailed resolutions and include TIME TABLES for achieving them.  You might surprise yourself.

Most resolutions are too VAGUE and ARBITRARY.  Lose Weight, be a Better Friend, etc.  What the HELL do those mean?

Lose 10 pounds in the month of January by working out Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 11:30am-12:30am, while drinking a protein shake instead of eating out to lunch.  Now THAT is a resolution!!  Specific, detailed, time bound and measurable - I LOVE IT!!

If you want to really, MAKE 'EM COUNT this year – get dirty with the details.  Script out, on paper, what the "nuts and bolts" of SUCCESS achievement will entail.  THEN (and only then) take action!!  

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  Let us all make this one REALLY count…


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