Morning Motivator – Silence the Noise

"It's not that I am not listening.  I cannot hear you."
- Anonymous

On this Monday morning, I am driving into Nashville from my mother's house to meet some of my BEST buddies for breakfast.  While the drive is not "lengthy" by any means, it does take approximately 40 minutes to get to my destination.  This morning, I did something very ODD…

The drive was completely SILENT.  No radio, no iPod, no phone, nothing.  Just my thoughts and me….

Have you RECENTLY spent 30 or more minutes in SILENCE?  Have you taken the time to DISCOVER what you were really thinking?  There is a lot of CREATIVITY to be unleashed when your mind is CLEAR of noise!

This week will be FULL of new ideas and half-commitments to IMPROVING the upcoming year.  We will have GRANDIOSE thoughts of new success and action plans for fulfilling life's dreams.   Our CHALLENGE is, as always, IMPLEMENTATION.

My advice:  Silence the Noise around you.

SCHEDULE and execute the spending of ONE HOUR weekly on creative thought.  No motive, no goal - just open-minded creative thinking about what interests you.  You may DISCOVER, as I have, that recurring themes dominate your thought processes. 

Maybe the things you think about MOST often, when you are not being force to think about everything else, is TRULY what you should be focused on; for it is the subconscious mind that drives our BEHAVIORS and FUELS our true desires.


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