Morning Motivator – It’s Time to Be a “Doer”

"The secret of getting things done is to act."
- Dante Alighieri

The most ANNOYING thing in life, next to standing in line, is listening to people talk and never "do."  I can CONFIDENTLY speak on this subject as I am a recovering "idea guy." You know the type of person that has all the great ideas, but expects everyone else to do them.  OBNOXIOUS!

Success is a PROCESS of executing the RIGHT tasks effectively and efficiently in repetition.  The astute reader will notice no references to TALKING, IDEAS, or DETAILED DISCUSSION.  It is purely about DOING THINGS, THE RIGHT WAY.

Does that make "idea people" worthless?  Well, YES.  It does.  Sorry, but it is true.

If you were building a business, would you rather have a team of EXCEPTIONAL task "doers" or a bunch of "idea people?" 

I concede that CREATIVITY will be required, thus someone will have to come up with the ideas.  However, one MEDIOCRE idea EXECUTED with exceptional precision and effort will ALWAYS outperform a BRILLIANT, LIFE-CHANGING, half-done, poorly executed idea. 

With this in mind, ACT immediately on brilliant ideas and disregard any idea that does not have structure.  For it is the STRUCTURE and DEFINITIONS of "doing" that will see the successful execution is fulfilled. 

Think about it:  the cure to cancer is as valuable as a kick in the teeth if you cannot get it to people.  Go be a "DOER" and change the world…


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