Morning Motivator – When Will You Learn?

"Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Admit it.  You are a STUBBORN mule when it comes to what you believe is best for you.  No matter what anyone else says, or have experienced, you STILL believe that YOUR way is the BEST way. 

I, KING of the Stubborn a$$holes, continually am REMINDED that I am NOT the smartest, most talented, nor most experienced "whatever it is" that I believe I am.  Admittedly, my instincts have not led me down to many paths, but the WISDOM of mentors, family and trusted friends that has kept me on the right path, most often.

Why is it that we CONTINUALLY seek the most difficult path?  PRIDE?  FEAR?  MISTRUST?  Sure, that and more I am confident.

What LESSON is to learn?  (Speaking to myself here)  Damn Zach, just ask the dang question and simplify the whole process!

ASKING QUESTIONS, magically, allows you access to a world of information, experience and insight.  Your head is full of ideas, shaped by your experiences and education, limited at the least.  However, asking a question OPENS the mind of others and allows you a FREE PASS into their information, experience and insight.

It sure seems a lot easier to use your brain, AND, someone else's, would you agree?  Just ASK.  It takes 3 seconds to do and the GAINS are immeasurable.


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