"The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle."
- Motto of U.S. Navy Seals
What are you doing to ENSURE your success? Reading, attending classes, pushing your public speaking skills, going to events and making uncomfortable introductions to expand your network? Any? None?
TRAINING is not a 3-day course that you attend at some fancy resort. It is not the "paid vacation" that people make out of a trade show conference. Training is EVERYTHING you are doing when you are not engaged in your "battle," whether that is sales negotiation, contract writing or office administration.
About 30% of our day is truly FOCUSED on the execution of our trade. The remainder is spent socializing, checking emails, "on break," or on the phones playing "tag." What you RARELY see is dedicated time to training, thus, everything OUTSIDE of focused trade engagement IS your training…
Daily, we train for unproductive behaviors. Spending an hour in the morning checking email, "preparing yourself" to work is a well-trained and well-documented process. You have worked hard to create that system and RATIONALIZE that it is what works best.
What we are not doing is DEDICATING time to training. We are not dedicated one full workday a week to CREATIVE INNOVATION, such as Google does. We are not dedicating one hour of daily trade information reading as many financial companies require. We are not spending 5 hours a week working on our phone sales/engagement skills like the best sales companies in the world do.
What PREPARATIONS (ie TRAINING) are you doing daily to ensure you will be successful? What SHOULD you being doing?
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations
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