“Morning” (or afternoon) Motivator – Let It Come To You

"Ok ok… It is more like AFTERNOON MOTIVATOR.  I get it!!"
- Zach

Well, I have now been late three times (that I remember) since starting this Morning Motivator years back.  Sorry everyone… here is your AFTERNOON MOTIVATOR!

STRESS is a part of everyday life.  We stress about work, love, friends, money, money and money…   Funny about all our "stressing" is that most of what we are CONCERNED with either does NOT matter or does not happen.  Seriously, when did the "worst thing" ever happen?

One of the keys to success is learning to CHILL THE HECK OUT.  Let your success come to you. 

I am not ALLUDING to the idea that you should just sit on your butt playing PlayStation eating Cheetos waiting for God to send you a check, rather, I am SUGGESTING that you go about your days doing the RIGHT THINGS the RIGHT WAY.  Make your calls, follow up with your clients, read the books you purchased, etc.  Be disciplined in your EXECUTION and stress less about "when" the results will appear.

Sales goals, management meetings, etc ALWAYS are a concern for people when discussing this type of mentality.  I RECOGNIZE the need to sustain success in a consistent fashion in order to appease others in your business, etc…

… BUT (yes that is a big but!), if you are CONSISTENTLY doing the right things, day in and day out, you will find that there is a momentum curve.  Lots of work with little result in the BEGINNING, followed by a balance of work and results, followed by TREMENDOUS results with diminishing efforts required.

The question you have to ask is, "Will I do the right thing long enough to get to the point where my efforts being producing?"  Otherwise, you can just watch the guy (or girl) behind you snatch up all your hard work and benefit from it.

HAPPY AFTERNOON EVERYONE!  Go make it count today… and I will do better tomorrow!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com

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