Morning Motivator – Someone’s Got a Case of the “Monday’s”

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."
~Francesca Reigler

Ah yes, Monday!  It is again wonderful to be back at work – making magic happen – focusing diligently towards our collective goals, overlooking the fun of the past weekend? (Sarcasm is free on Mondays).

Today, let us ANALYZE our ATTITUDE, specifically, our MONDAY attitude. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being a kick in the teeth, 10 being your best day yet) – how would you rate this morning's attitude? 

Understand that when you AWAKE, you set the tone for the entire day.  The way you approach doing your hair, brushing your teeth and dressing yourself, DEFINE the successes you will have throughout the remainder of the 18 hours you will be awake.  From the drive in to work, riddled with STUPID drivers, making the same idiot driving mistakes every single working day, to the first steps into the office and sitting at your workspace, YOUR attitude is creating the limits and barriers to today's achievements.

Your attitude is a DECISION that you make when you awake.  It is your defensive shield, set up to thwart away the "roadblocks" of the day. Your attitude begins its shape immediately upon waking… so start here:

* Wake up quickly – hitting the snooze bar is just hiding from the day
* Get active – do 25 sit ups, push-ups or walk around your block
* Smile in the mirror – see the inner beauty and value of yourself
* Eat well – eat within the first hour so you fuel your body properly
* Rock out – crank up the music that you enjoy on the way to work (sing LOUDLY with the music…)
* Set your daily goals – either first thing or last thing of the day and be consistent
* Stay positive – if something negative or someone negative approaches, quickly move to a positive idea or story
* Stay focused – your day is full of traps and pitfalls. Keep your eyes on your end goal and be relentless in getting there
* Be confident – if you fall short of a goal- analyze why and bust tail tomorrow to make up the slack.
* Finish strong – if you have one more task at 10 minutes until 5pm… knock it out! You will feel TREMENDOUS afterwards.

A great mentor Justin Morrison always said to me, "the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just a little 'extra.'"  The little things you do WILL make all the difference… GO DOMINATE THIS MONDAY!!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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