Morning Motivator – Build It, Delegate It

"Ultimately, yes, it is our responsibility.  Someone has to make sure it gets done, right?"
- Anonymous

The only downside with LEADERSHIP is that it is not a 9 to 5 job.  You do not get "days off," nor do you get to "pass the buck."  Leaders lead all the time…

On occasion, the RESPONSIBILITIES of execution fall into your lap.  Sure, it is NOT your area and not your responsibility.  However, what good leader looks the OTHER way when something important needs done?  EXACTLY!!

Here is the key to MAINTAINING your sanity in these situations - DELEGATION.  Just because you "lead the charge" does not mean you are the executioner of the process.  Sometimes, all that is need is a good start, a jumping point, someone to get the ball rolling.  That is YOU! 

Once things are in motion – DELEGATE, DELEGATE, and DELEGATE!

Learn to set up items, especially those that you are tackling although not responsible for, and give them IMMEDIATELY away with timeframes and expectations of completion. 

Do not take on the PRESSURE of another responsibility when someone else is the manager or responsible party from the beginning.  It is THEIR job – not yours.  Take the LEAD, then be a LEADER and manage the successful completion from there.

LETTING GO is a challenge of most high producing individuals.  Many high producers are looked to as LEADERS.  Be WARY not to allow your need to be a high producer to overcome your LEADERSHIP responsibility – teaching others to do for their selves! 


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