Morning Motivator - Easier Said Than Done

"Yeah, that sounds great.  But it is easier said than done."
- Common phrasing in business discussions

Special thanks to my good friend, Josh Anderson of Josh Anderson Real Estate (Keller Williams) in Nashville.  You rock bro!!  Thanks for continually feeding the machine…

Taking consistent, persistent, focused action is easier said than done. Disciplining yourself to rise above the distractions and put forth meaningful effort, is easier said than done.

In fact, nearly everything you can think of is easier said than done. But just because something is difficult doesn't mean it's impossible.

Just because something is easier said than done, is no reason to give up on it or avoid taking action. Because there's really no reason why you must make the easiest choice.

Much of the time, easy is overrated. Easy might appear nice from a distance, but when there's too much ease in your life, there aren't very many opportunities for fulfillment.

Many things in life are in fact extremely difficult to accomplish. Most of those things are very much worth the trouble.

Yes, it is indeed easier said than done. And that's an excellent reason to step forward and do it.

When considering the "easy path" vs. a more "challenging path," yield on the side of LEARNING.  Often it is the more difficult decisions that CREATE the most lasting impact and influence upon your success.

Most difficult things are noted as "easier said than done," yet, often, we find that executing the task-at-hand was never quite as challenging as what we created in our MIND.

Difficult is painful and taxing, yet REAL WINNERS know that easier said than done is the mantra of the people who are NOT doing! 


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