Morning Motivator – Find Your Peer Group

"It is good to have someone to talk to about the things you cannot talk to everyone about."
- Anonymous

If you were in a personal CrUnCh, you would call a best friend, right?  What if you were in a PROFESSIONAL crunch?  Whom would you call to help talk you through a sticky situation or be able to help formulate a solution to a unique need?

PEER GROUPS are vital to success as a leader and as a business professional.  The REALITY is that your relationships are based on many different things – hobbies, finances, love and work.  Where do LEADERS find equals to share their experiences? 

Do you think CEO's share their woes with their managers?  Likely not.  Do you think teachers complain about their students… to their students?!  I hope not!  Do you think a business owner gripes about clients to clients?  Well, you get the point…

Finding an EQUAL for all aspects of your life is very IMPORTANT.  Creating formidable peer groups with trusted ADVISORS that you respect and value the opinion of will help expedite you to successes you are seeking.

Should these be your best friends?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  These SHOULD be people that will give you CANDID advice, CHALLENGE you when out of line and RESPECT your privacy when dealing with sensitive issues.

I am FORTUNATE.  I have a found a TRUSTED group of peers for personal, professional, relational and social ADVISING.  I may not always like what is said… but I ALWAYS listen!

Who makes up YOUR peer group?


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