Morning Motivator – Is Poverty a Choice?

"I was born into a poor family.  So how can you say poverty is a choice?"
- Anonymous

One of my favorite phrases I ever heard was a child explaining how he was "rich" only to have the parent retort, "No, I am rich.  You are broke!"  WOW!  What an INTERESTING comment.  If that were in fact TRUE, then logic would agree that someone born to an IMPOVERISHED family does not share the same fate as their parents.

Last night, I made a comment, a political comment no mind you, relating to the ENTITLEMENT programs offered by our Government.  My comment surfaced around the idea that providing money to individuals that continually make POOR DECISIONS was pointless.  I said "POVERTY IS A CHOICE" and I stand by it…

Love it or hate it – YOU CONTROL YOUR FUTURE.  If you are poor, you do not have to be.  If you are rich, you can lose it very quickly.  YOU, not your environment, not your parents, not your teachers, CONTROL your success.

By choosing to invest your time, energy and resources into non-valuable or non-productive activities, you are CHOOSING poor actions resulting in poor returns.  From a financial perspective, this results in POVERTY.

If you choose to sacrifice a nice car today, in order to invest your money, you will GAIN… albeit later.  If you choose to spend money on flashy clothes or meaningless toys, which offer little value of than intrinsically, you will find the "investments" frivolous and thus a personal DECISION towards poverty.

We all have the OPPORTUNITY to learn, self educate, struggle without persecution from our government, as well as offered education, as we advance, many offered scholarships (which I never received) based on our backgrounds, economic conditions, specific interests, etc, without discussion of those offered to students that excel in their studies (by working hard not intelligence per se).  With so much OPPORTUNITY and the responsibility of success on us as individuals, how can we not agree, logically, that we CHOOSE our situations… either to stay where we are or get out by whatever means necessary.

We may not choose where we start, but we do choose where we "settle" – WHAT ARE YOU CHOOSING?


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