Morning Motivator – Do As Your System Intends You

"I don't what I am supposed to do.  I wait for my phone to tell me."
- Zachary Barker, phone junkie

Systems are built to produce a YIELD that you can consume and utilize.  Whether that is a manufacturing plant producing automobiles or a simple email system used to follow up with people.  The most important piece to a system is USING IT.

How many "systems" do you use currently?  From your routine in waking each day, to the use of your phone, to the automobile you drive, etc.  There are a MULTITUDE of process and systems utilized daily in your life.  So what happens when you STOP listening to your systems?

In a simple term:  FAIL.

We develop systems and processes to create consistency in delivery and relieve you of stresses – mental, physical or otherwise.  In order to maximize the effectiveness of a system, you must, REPEAT MUST, use it as intended.

If you fail to ACT when your fuel light comes on in your vehicle, you will soon be on the side of the road stranded.  If you CEASE to eat the proper foods as part of your diet, your heart will cease to function properly.  If you fail to INPUT meetings into your phone or calendaring system, you soon will find that your business and reputation are in SHAMBLES.

Appreciate your systems for their purposes.  Utilize them consistently and effectively.  Even in the face of utter inconvenience, take time to input into your systems as intended, OTHERWISE, no complaining when you are all screwed up on the back end of the process!


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