Morning Motivator – It is NOT That Complicated

"Simple is effective."
- Unknown

Historically, what always seems to be most effective?  The SIMPLE solution.

If simple is EFFECTIVE, why do we always tend to overcomplicate things?  My diagnosis:  We want to JUSTIFY our salaries/income or we just want to prove how dang INTELLIGENT we are.  What ya think?

When you consider the things that work best in business – 3 pricing offers (good, better, best), direct marketing based on personal relationships, and reward programs for your BEST clients – it would seem that all the other CRAP we try to invent is really just a waste of time.

Why would you invest $5,000 into an advertising scheme, when you could spend $2,500 on your BEST clients and get 5x the referrals?  Why would you consistently call on someone you "think " would make a great client, when you could go to a trade show and find 100 GREAT clients in a 3 day trip?

Learning to HUMBLE oneself is a sign of professional maturation.  Every young professional BELIEVES to be SMARTER, FASTER and MORE TALENTED than anyone around.  Kudos to confidence!  Yet, it is only upon the MATURATION of the individual, often discovered through gross failure and loss of opportunity to others, that we DISCOVER that simple is better!

Simple is proven less expensive, more effective, more impactful, less frustrating and easier to manage long term.

Now, why the HELL are you continuing to complicate things?  (Yeah, I just said that in the mirror)


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