Morning Motivator - Demand More from Your Leadership

"Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."
- Coach John Wooden

I admit that I am politician in a businessman's clothing. I do dream of a day where we have effective, sincere leadership from our State and National government. I wish to see the end of days for blind loyalty (yes, you Obama followers) and deceitful leadership (see: GWB). Hopefully, we can move beyond that...soon!

What is required of our leaders to best serve our collective needs? The commitment to finding the best ways, not "their" ways. This means no more pushing health care through a lopsided system when no one wants it. This means not going to war without approval from the congress. This means SERVING as a leader, as opposed to dictating with POWER.

How is it that the MOST SUCCESSFUL college basketball coach in history clearly understands this, yet, our "greatest leaders" seem to overlook it? Is it that power corrupts? Is it that we are electing corrupt people into power? Is it just NATURAL for people to abuse a power role to self serve?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: I am not a political expert, a sociologist nor even a small time politician (yet). What I am is someone that is concerned. Concerned for you, me and the people that will follow us.

Will we demand more of ourselves as we begin to take these leadership roles that are forthcoming in the near future? Will we see a better quality of leader arise from the ashes after the horrid examples we have set before us? Can the next generation save the current and the future generations?

Leadership is a sticky issue. It cannot be taught in a class (although it is attempted), just like ethics. Leadership is a character trait. It is the combination of intelligence, humility, and charisma coupled with self sacrifice and an innate ability to listen before speaking.

Look around. Who do you know that is a great leader? If they left their company and switched industries, would you follow? If they encouraged you to go to a class to improve your skills, would you sign up today? If they said they had an idea to share, would you schedule the time to meet and listen? Why? THAT is the question you must answer...



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