Morning Motivator - Have Fun or Die Trying

"What good is a career if you cannot have any fun working in it?" Zach Barker

Today is FRIDAY... finally. Are you most excited to get away from work or get to some recreation? YES, those are two very different things!!

Some people work all week long in misery with their only solace being the weekend forthcoming. That weekend is often filled with beer guzzling, hard core recreation and as much FUN jammed into two days as possible. Typically based solely on the fact that there are five horrible days forthcoming.

What a terrible way to live. Misery in between weekend after drunken wasted weekend. Why can work not be more fun? Why does it have to be so terrible? It doesn't.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: First, lets be frank. Work sucks. That is why it is called work. Everyone has elements of their job that are terrible. Pro athletes have strict diets and insane workouts. Teachers have summers off and the other three seasons "on" filled with a lack of appreciation and much "in class" disrespect. Even a guy that owns an adult intramural sports league has to do paperwork, deal with finances and insurances. Again, all work sucks...

Yet, there is a glimmer of hope! The "work" of your job sucks, but that does not mean that your work has to. How much fun is coaching? TONS, when you prepare properly. How exciting is a review from your managers? ENTHRALLING when you have done all the little things to earn it.

Success is FUN. Winning is FUN. Preparation for success and winning...can be too! Your attitude and focus will determine if you will predetermine your later successes by your ability to make the WORST parts of work fun (or enjoyable) thus allowing you the right to REALLY have fun when you reap the rewards of your success!!

Have fun - even with the "WORK" and you will find that the real fun comes when you get the big raise, promotion or win the fancy trip! Make it a priority - HAVE SOME FUN!!



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