Morning Motivator - Different Is Not Always Better

"Tebow! Tebow! Tebow!"
-.Denver Broncos Fans

For those of you that do not follow football, it is unlikely you have not heard of the heralded Tim Tebow. A college football legend and seemingly all around good guy. While not the greatest Quarterback to ever live, he may be the most sought after.

Why is it that people always think the alternative is the best option? How often have you deviated from something you like very much only to find that the "better" thing really just kinda sucks? What is our fascination with "different?"

Leaders are always faced with new, different ways of doing things. The latest technology, the newest study, the greatest way to find staff and resources. There always seem to be something different that is being touted as "better."

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Personally I love to explore new ideas and new styles of execution. I believe that there are many ways to skin a cat and not all ways are best for you. BUT... while there are many ways, the end goals always seem to stay the same.

Sales, for instance, is a "contact sport." (huh?) Yes, a contact sport. The individual that has the most meaningful contacts (aka relationships) wins! Marketing is a game of motivation, whether that is via FaceBook, a TV ad or just old fashioned soap box barking, it is still about motivating action.

The point is that you still have to do the basics to get results. You may deviate in some of the manners in which you execute, yet, you still must do the basics. If you do not know people, you cannot sell. If you do not understand motivation, you cannot market, If you cannot count, accounting may be tough. Block and tackle is what my mentor Andy Bailey would always say. Winning football, no matter what new offense is around, is still about your ability to block and tackle! (and oh yeah, Tebow is not the answer in Denver - sorry fans)



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