"Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing."
-Harriet Braiker
Let's face it - we cannot be GREAT everyday! As miuch as we like to think we can, it is not reasonable to expect the best of ourselves everyday. Even Tiger Woods, now humbled, has had to learn how to have a new "great."
Personally I struggle with this idea much more than many people I know of around me. Maybe I care too much or expect too much. Maybe I am just so damn afraid to be a failure or a disappointment that I do not feel like I am allowed to have an "off" day. I bet some of you do too though...
Here is the deal: Somedays...you just are not feeling it. Occasionally, your A game makes way for your B- game. It happens, you know it, I do to...so what can we do?!
2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Well, we must accept that these days are going to happen. Yes, you cannot be on your best all the time. It is a quick way to BURN OUT!
Let us look at out "off day" in a different capacity. Rather than looking at it as getting 80% of your 100% from yesterday, seek to get 100% from your 80% capacity TODAY!
What if you stopped looking at each day as maximizing 100% of your full potential, rather, looked at it as maximizing 100% of TODAY'S potential?
Do not put the pressure to to be perfect in yourself EVERYDAY! Pick and choose your battles. Much like an athlete who knows he or she is weak in one area, seeks to exploit another, or the way a military general examines his comparative advantages in battle, you too must seek to make gains where you can, when you can. On those other days, just do not allow yourself to move backwards...which allows you to move forward tomorrow!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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