Morning Motivator - Fair & Balanced?

"The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty."
- Zig Ziglar

I am the first to stand up for freedom of speech. I am also for truth in advertising. I believe in the idea "it is what it is" and not in half-truths or hiding your intentions. Here is where we hit a road block with our local paper, The Independent, in Lafayette, LA previously.

Our local "paper" is used as a witch hunter for Republicans, conservatives and even the occasional well intentioned independent. Yet, it serves as a propaganda machine for anyone who is Democratic or liberal by nature.

Personally I do not care if you are liberal or conservative. I know what I believe in and will vote for the person that most closely matches my beliefs, regardless of party affiliation. I believe most people are similar in that rationale. So why do news outlets continue to bash party members, as opposed to looking at the individual? Why is it that every time a DEM screws up it is "typical of a bleeding heart" and when a REP does something bad it was because they are "greedy and dishonest?"

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: When Mr. Obama ran for President, he promised HOPE and CHANGE, yet all I see is an even more vindictive assault on parties - from both sides. Blame this, blame that. You want this, you do that. Seriously... STOP!

LEADERSHIP is about sacrifice and compromise. It is about finding solutions that serve the MAJORITY - regardless of color, creed, etc, etc, etc - in ways that are economical and effective. It is just like a serve the MOST people you can effectively and offer the individuals you cannot serve well an opportunity to work within your business model or direct them to someone who can! ("The business that seeks to serve everyone is able to serve NO ONE.")

So, I suggest this to our local paper. If you do not like Republicans or conservatives, call yourself the "LIBERAL WEEKLY." I will not be mad, on the contrary, you will gain my respect and...maybe even get me to read more often.



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