Morning Motivator - Tackle One

"A good business spends 80% of its time up front making sure that it doesn't have to spend 100% of its time fixing stuff later."
- Anonymous

Have you ever noticed that the great businesses is seem to run on autopilot? What did they do to make sure that the business run so efficiently? Did they buy the fanciest systems or maybe it is just that they have the smartest people?

Commonly, the best businesses have spent a lot of time upfront working on their systems and processes. They use a great deal of their mental resources and time to make sure that they have things figured out the front.

The test for any business is when they become very busy or grow rapidly. It is under the stress that they find the weak points in their business. Alas, the good ones have thought out 80 percent of those problems... thus, they always appear to run very smooth.

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Many russ are already knee deep in our businesses, making a very challenging to stop and create new and better systems today.

However, what if you spent one day per week focusing on bettering your system processes and solutions? Simplify it even further... What if you just focused on solving one new problem each week?

How much more could you get accomplished if you didn't have the current bottleneck that you're facing?

Take a sheet of paper and write down the 3 biggest bottlenecks facing your business right now. Pick one and make it youre focused to solve this week.

Simple approach... Huge benefits!



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