Morning Motivator - Stop, Relax, Breathe, Go!

"Electricity is really just organized lightning."
- George Carlin

Feeling overwhelmed? Are you so "in demand" that you are having trouble balancing all the actions? Is the stress of being a top producer starting to grind on you?

It is OK! Better to be overwhelmed than underwhelmed, right? It happens to the best of us anyhow.

It is not uncommon for high producing individuals to find moments of overwhelming activity. It is the result of high inputs with a bottleneck existing in their output systems. A great example is that you can roll out 1,000 cookies, but if you can only bake 25 an hour, you are limited by your baking. You can bring in all the business you want, but are limited by the ability to "cook it up and serve it."

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: I continually discuss the nature of systems. The repeatable processes you define and work within continually in order to ensure quality and maximum productivity (ie. serving the best tasting cookies in the highest numbers).

Systems need analysis though. They require testing, sampling, stressing the workflow and continual tweaking. They require that you look at how effective it was last time and determine how it could be better this time.

In order to do so, you must stop, relax, breathe, then go! You must take the time to analyze, assess, implement and act. Simply put right? Simply done too!

Make sure you are dedicating the appropriate amount of time to working "on" your business (ie systems/processes) as you are "in" your business (ie sales and marketing). A good system will allow you the ability to achieve your role as an exceptional producer!



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