Morning Motivator – Success Starts with Giving

"The mark of a true professional is giving more than you get."
- Unknown

An interesting thing is occurring around me.  All the ideas I share with you, and you share with me are FINALLY clicking into all the right places.  Maybe is it the "LEAP" to real professionalism or just the natural maturation of youth.  Regardless, THANK YOU all for continuing to push me…even after near 5 years of doing this Morning Motivator.

Most POIGNANT is the idea of "GIVING TO GET."  As part of the new adult recreational sports league I have launched in Lafayette, LA, we have been offering "no cost scrimmages" with full equipment, referees and score keeping.  While that may not seem like much, it is FAR MORE than is provided by the city or other private leagues.

What makes that so IMPORTANT?  Frankly, it is about CREATING bonds with the clients and EDUCATING them on our "system."  Of course, there are small nuances, slight confusions, however, the fact we are THERE to help, teach, and support – FOR FREE – is of HUGE value to the experience of our athletes.

The question you should be asking is "what can I be doing to BETTER my clients experience for free (or little cost)?"

As an IT company, consider providing FREE Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, etc training once a month.

As a Financial Planner, consider providing a seminar on "5 Steps to Securing a Better Career," making it easier to get that 401k rollover…

As a new business in town, consider providing a 100% GUARANTEE of your product or service.  (Example:  Play in MY new flag football league.  If you don't like it, we will pay for your next city league!)

Making the "little extra give" is TYPICALLY all that is needed.  Make your "give" different and valuable (see financial planner above).  Make it something you BELIEVE in, then make it AWESOME!!


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