Morning Motivator – The Greatest Thing to Happen to Me

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out."
- John Wooden

I have always appreciated the "Power of Positive Thinking" and the idea that nothing in your life is ever "bad", rather a new opportunity to GROW - LEARN – LEAD. How many people do you know that had "terrible" things happen and come out a stronger, more complete person? I bet you know at least ONE… it may be yourself.

As many know, I suffered a serious leg injury almost 5 years ago. Playing basketball, I broke my lower right leg in 3 places, literally breaking my shin in half. I underwent major surgery to repair the broken limb and endured 12 months of rehab from the injury – nearly 4 months in which I was not able to even stand on it. At that time, if asked, I may have told you it was the WORST thing to ever happen to me… later did I realize it was the GREATEST!

How could shattering a leg and not walking for 4 months be so GREAT? Simply put, it gave me time to think. Think about who I am and want to become. Think about what makes me happy and what I need to do to grow my happiness. Think about what SUCCESS is to me and what actions I need to take to attain my dreams. Very few people are given the gift of 4 months off work to THINK about their life and how it should be shaped. For this I say - it was the BEST time ever spent in my life.

You must know that no matter what challenges you are facing, you have the ability to make greatness arise from it. You can choose to make a "terrible" situation… a GREAT one. Your tasks are to always maintain a positive focus, follow your dreams and trust that situations happening in your life (good or bad) are exactly what is supposed to be.


My hope is for others to share their dreams, passions and motivations. If interested, share your insights with other Morning Motivator readers – send yours to

Fridays will be dedicated to sharing YOUR thoughts with others.

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