Morning Motivator – The Power of Hope

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."
-Dale Carnegie

Have you had a rough day or week recently? Are you feeling painted into the corner personally or professionally? We ALL get there… you are not alone!

Do you know what the most exciting thing about HOPE is? Hope is ALWAYS there. Hope is the light that guides your passions. Hope is the fuel that powers your motivations. Hope is present even when you think it is not.

Think on this - What is your greatest achievement? Did you have to overcome "the odds" to accomplish it? Did you even think it was possible when you started? The HOPE and FAITH you hold in yourself and your abilities is the driver that will lead you down a path of success, fulfillment and enrichment.

You ARE in CONTROL of YOUR life! You make a choice everyday what to do with it. Embrace your hopes and take action towards fulfilling your dreams… and remember to share that passion with the people you love around you.


If you have someone that would like to share in the Morning Motivator, have them email a sharing request to

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