Morning Motivator - The Power of Clarity

"Clarity of the mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what he loves."
- Blaise Pascal

Do you know what you need to accomplish to achieve "happiness"? Are you clear that you have the "right fits" in your life? Career, significant other, living situation, health, etc... If you are unsure if you are even going in the right direction... listen up!

I had a discussion yesterday about something great that happened to me earlier this year. I had a BFO - Blinding Flash of the Obvious. I was "successful" by societal standards and no idea if I was "happy". Thankfully, I have great people around me that were supportive as I sought after the answer. After finding that I was not able to even determine my happiness - I took steps to define "happiness" in my life and help gain CLARITY to make decisive steps towards it.

Once defined, I took action. Some decisions have been very hard, some very easy, some good, some bad and some are yet to be made. I DO know that I achieved CLARITY and am making the FOCUSED efforts to achieve my goals through calculated decisions. I have defined my "happiness" and feel confident I know what needs to happen to get there... and stay there!

I hope you have already achieved CLARITY, however if you are seeking this CLARITY in your life, let me know - I will gladly assist you in the ways I am able. Make today a day of accomplishment and this weekend a time of relaxing.


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