Morning Motivator - Do You Stick Out?

"To lead is to follow your vision with passion, integrity and resilience - and drive others to follow the same."
- Zach Barker

I want to thank my great friend and supporter, Alan Cunningham, for today's Morning Motivator...

What is the simple definition of a leader? A person who refuses to accept be a FOLLOWER!!!. A leader is someone who earns and commands the respect of those individuals that they are in contact with. A leader is someone who has the COLLECTIVE goal in mind and helps MOTIVATE others to work towards the achievement of that same goal.

Leaders are brought up, not placed. Leaders stick out like a sore thumb. You don't search for them. They emerge from a group and become plainly obvious. Are you THAT person?

1. First and foremost, BE AN ACTIVELY GOOD LISTENER- Every positive step forward first starts with keeping your mouth shut.
2. KNOW YOUR GOALS (and point yourself in that direction)- No one will buy-in to a goal if the individuals steering the ship don't fully believe in that same goal.
3. REFUSE TO SHOW FEAR- Weakness can be felt a mile away. Confidence breeds confidence, breeds confidence, breeds Leaders.
4. SPEAK WITH INTEGRITY- Draw from your experience, goals, knowledge of the topic of discussion, and knowledge of the individuals in the audience. (If you work on numbers 1, 2, and 3, then 4 will come easy.)
5. SEEK THE ADVICE OF OTHER LEADERS - one of the greatest characteristics of a leader, is a passion to learn and a willingness to humble yourself. (zb)


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