Morning Motivator - Focus on the Most Important Attributes

"Do not judge by appearances, a rich heart may be under a poor coat."
- Scottish Proverb

At work we have been discussing "what a good client looks like," and defining the characteristics of that business. I found myself confused because I read into this that we were disqualifying people without speaking to them. Why?

As people, we are always seeking the EASY way to SUCCESS. Fair enough - it sounds like a great idea! Reality check: the ideal client is only one in one thousand. Rather than eternally seek for the IDEAL client - FOCUS on the important attributes. 5 out of 10 will do just fine.

List out the IDEAL client attributes. Determine the most important 3 attributes of that list. If you are able to get 2 of the 3 BEST attributes and a few other the non-criticals - WAKE UP and call them!! They are a great client and are waiting to talk to you!!

Enjoy the new business!! :)


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