Morning Motivator – Relax, Success is a Process

"Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer."
- William S. Burroughs

Sales goals, deadlines, meetings….ARGH!!! "I would be so much more productive if I could just RELAX!" Does this sound familiar to you also?

In my limited years of professional service, I have discovered one simple truth – YOU WORK BEST WHEN YOU ARE RELAXED. Now, how do you get there? First, if you believe that you are a child of God and that God cares for everything, you can relax – its not even in your hands. Secondly, be aware that SUCCESS is a relative term based on what you DEFINE it to be. You will never "BE" SUCCESS… you begin to ACHIEVE SUCCESS. As you achieve it – it changes and becomes something different.

The best way to relax is to maintain PERSPECTIVE. Keep your goals LONG TERM and make short term adjustments accordingly. If you know you have an annual sales goal of $1 Million and you don't make your goal for this month – DON'T FREAK OUT! You have 11 months to make it up. Simply alter your goals and required activities, be confident in yourself, RELAX and continue forward… This is what assures your success!!

First, take a deep breath… now let's focus. Stress is a result of open commitments with yourself and others. To RELAX we will need to relieve STRESS. Here's how:
1. Define and Write out your goals – Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily
2. Define the activities required to accomplish them – what should I be doing to achieve my goals?
3. Allow for some interruptions – Life WILL happen in between your master plan…plan for it!
4. Review your goals weekly – verify they are on task, eliminate ones that do not apply, add ones that are now needed
5. Delegate any tasks you do not excel in – be the expert and let others be the expert where you are not

6. When you have the capability to DO IT NOW... DO IT! Procrastination causes lots of stress

Once you have a good handle on knowing what you are DOING and NOT DOING – you will find your stress levels decrease. FOCUS on the tasks that create success opportunities and STICK to your SYSTEM!


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