Morning Motivator - Success is a Form of Self-Discovery

"When it's time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived."
- Henry David Thoreau

Yesterday was a GREAT day for me! I was able to enjoy two of my favorite people and meet an awesome new person. What makes that so great? These people are able to share with me their stories of personal success through their SELF DISCOVERY. There journey from the feeling of "Empty Success" (as I term it) to a place of "Balanced Fulfillment."

So what lesson is to be learned by these encounters? It's the reinforcement that your PROFESSIONAL success is just a portion of your OVERALL success (personal, professional, spiritual). You may feel as though you are achieving GREAT things at work, yet why do you still feel like you are missing out? You have a huge network of contacts... yet how many are TRUE FRIENDS? I believe that when find your SELF AWARENESS of what your personal needs are to feel "happy" and complete - you have transcended to a level of SUCCESS everyone of us strive for... Here's how you can start moving in that direction:

Write down on a piece of paper the ONE BIG THING you are facing right now that is keeping you from GROWTH. Keep that piece of paper in your pocket and look at it occasionally over the SEVEN days. Write down your feelings around that CHALLENGE - positive, negative, reflective, and constructive.

One week from today - spend 30 minutes reflecting with that piece of paper. The, spend 30 minutes noting the THREE steps you can take ACTION on immediately to begin overcoming the challenge. Spend the next 30 days FOCUSED on only those three... and enjoy the transformation!


*Thanks Debra for all your support. Your investment in me has helped my self-discovery.

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