- Anonymous
I find very interesting the discussions we have daily. I had a group of people yesterday that I spoke with about the idea of MANAGING YOUR TIME, not having it MANAGED FOR YOU.
Do you know someone that is always late, unorganized, stressed out, hurried? (I can hear some of you saying my name in your head). Typically, a person with the characteristics is a SELF allowed victim of letting OTHERS manage THEIR time! They are the ones that take on too MUCH, delegate too LITTLE and possess the inability to say NO!
You have a CHOICE - manage your time, your people (including your superiors), your clients and your personal commitments OR allow them to manage YOU! Take control of your time and you will harness control of your life.... Here's some help to get started:
Time blocking has proven over time to be a consistently successful strategy for time management. Time blocking consists of:
* Prioritizing HIGHEST VALUE activities
* Scheduling a CONSISTENT predefined time frame for those activities
* Commit and execute daily application of this time block - PROTECT IT AT ALL COSTS! (This may mean telling your boss... NO)
* Plan the blocks in times that allow BEST SUCCESS (ex. Work out in the morning before work so nothing prevents you from doing it, make cold calls from 8a-10a while you are most likely to reach your contact, answer emails immediately after lunch when your brain is at its slowest)
Managing yourself is a choice, managing others is a lifestyle....
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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