Morning Motivator – Want to Know MY Dream?

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."
- Stephen Covey

What is your GREATEST dream? To have $1,000,000? To retire at 40, 50, 60? To own a big car or a nice boat? Ask yourself – what is MOST important? I will share with you my DREAM.

My DREAM is to make just enough money to enjoy MY life and MY time as I see fit. To ENJOY the pleasures of the world such as travel and art on MY terms. To SHARE my passion and care with a loving wife and family. To have my HEALTH until I am a very old man and ready to pass the torch to my children. I think this to be a VERY good dream. I do want you to notice something about it – IT IS A STATE OF BEING. It is not a definition of money (i.e. I need $1M), you do not see possessions of luxury and most importantly are HEALTH and RELATIONSHIPS.

I ask you – what would you give to be HEALTHY, RICH in relationships and have the FREE time to explore all your hearts passions? Do you believe it is possible to do this on $30,000 per year? Do you believe that you have the capability to create your own PERFECT life? I KNOW you have that ability and APPRECIATE why most of us will NEVER take a step towards it. We are all FEARFUL of "the other side." The side of life we believe is not SECURE, SAFE and CONSISTENT. We believe that we MUST work for a company to ensure our future – does the OWNER think that way? Realize this – your time is LIMITED on this earth, your FUTURE is in your control and every day you let slip by is one you CANNOT get back. Don't WAIT to live YOUR life – do it today…


Your life is a series of decisions. You DECIDE your happiness and SUCCESS. You CHOOSE to allow people to make you feel a certain way or direct your future. You also have the CHOICE to be positive, productive and enact your LEADERSHIP!

Your ACTION plan here is to have a clear vision of what is IMPORTANT to your happiness and DEFINE what steps are needed to get there. FOCUS on the core of your goals and build your actions around them. Example: if your happiness is being able to spend 3 days a week with your family, find a career that allows you're the NECESSARY income and time FLEXIBILITY to accomplish your goal.

Your CHOICE to be happy is an easy one – the ACTIONS from this are challenging – the REWARDS are priceless! Make this a GREAT week … on your terms!!


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