Morning Motivator - Frustrated? Make it Simple!!

"One does not accumulate but eliminate.  It is not daily increase but daily decrease.  The height of cultivation always runs to simplicity."
- Bruce Lee

ARGGGGGHHHH!!!!  Why is this so damn difficult??  Great question!  Have you asked yourself this recently?  Are you wondering why somethings are always so difficult?

I have found in my lifetime that MOST things that fail to get completed are due to COMPLEXITY and lack of CLARITY.  What's the answer?  SIMPLIFY!  Focus on the CORE goal of your situation.  If you need to increase sales - make the process SIMPLE and identify the ONE best way of reaching the most people (hint: having your team call out of the phone book is not it).

The CHALLENGE with simplification is you must have CLARITY.  If you don't know what you want - specifically - then you won't know where to start or celebrate!  SIMPLIFY - CLARIFY - IMPLEMENT...

Goal setting is often done quickly on a scrap piece of paper and dropped to the side along with the ability to execute them.

1.  WRITE down your goals in a place that you can see them daily.

2.  DEFINE clearly the one TRUE core element of accomplishment you seek with the goal (ie. Money, power, peace of mind, time off)

3. CLARIFY the ONE, SINGLE, SIMPLE step to begin executing.  Once completed - Clarify the following step and execute immediately.

The KILLER of your success will be PROCRASTINATION - do not wait to begin.  If your SYSTEM is simple... You will have no reason to anyhow.

Have an AWESOME weekend!


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