Morning Motivator - YODA Leadership: Why the Hell Am I So Scared??

"Named must your fear be before banish it you can."
- Yoda, Jedi Master

I had a discussion yesterday with someone in my office who is trying to get a sister to move to Nashville. When asked why she wouldn't move, the sister said: "I'MI JUST SCARED." She agrees there is no downside to moving to Nashville, rather a lot of upside - yet she doesn't move. Why?

FEAR is a consistent challenge for ALL persons. It is the great UNKNOWN that we are hesitant to venture into. We dream up all these ELLABORATE ideas of failure and despair - yet when we FINALLY act and take the step... What happens!? You usually say ... "WOW! That was EASY and NOTHING to fear at all.".

We OVERCOME fear daily and yet we allow fear to creep in time and time again. Ask yourself this - "What could you do if you were not afraid?" Seriously think on this... Take some time... once you understand the idea -this is POWERFUL!

To overcome a fear, you must single it out and clarify it. Here's a good step to doing this...

1. Write down the biggest challenge you are facing this week.
2. Write next to it the reasons why you are not able to complete it yet.
3. Circle the legitimate reasons preventing you fro acting (ex. The client is bankrupt, the program doesn't start until June, etc)
4. All the remaining items are FEAR items.
5. ACT on those items immediately... You really having nothing to lose!!

Don't be a chicken... Your life is waiting for you to OWN it and ACT on it!


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