Morning Motivator - What Do You Appreciate?

"Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing."
- Harper Lee

What do you APPRECIATE? A kind gesture from a colleague, a willingness to chat from a new client or maybe your brand new big screen TV. What SHOULD you appreciate?

I appreciate the people that have helped me grow the past year - I am finally becoming the QUALITY person I knew I could be (with much improvement to come). I also appreciate the LESSONS life gives, albeit sometimes difficult to understand. Let me explain...

I have a best friend that has been in ICU for a week fighting for his life. He is a young man of 28, fighting to overcome kidney failure and staph infection in his blood as a result of pneumonia. LIFE LESSON - you don't know if or when it may be "your time," make the most of every day! APPRECIATION - I have never realized how much I appreciate my buddy and his contribution to my life success.

Are you FOCUSED on learning everyday and reflecting on the gifts you are being provided?

Everyday, we are GIVEN opportunities to grow and succeed. Often, we push them away out of FEAR. My LIFE LESSON to you - don't be afraid to be uneasy, uncomfortable or even fail.

All GROWTH comes from difficult experiences. Your GREATEST appreciation will develop from your most DIFFICULT times. CAPITALIZE on each precious moment you have and make this the FULFILLING life you are entitled to!


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