-Peter McWilliams
I find it funny the things that people say to me and then the ACTIONS that they take the next day. Many of use would consider ourselves FOCUSED, AMBITIOUS and DRIVEN. Yet, how many of us have a VISION, GOALS or ACTION PLANS? Why do I ask that question..? Simply put - if you don't know why the heck you are doing something, then that is likely why you are so DISCONTENT.
Many of the highly TALENTED professionals I run into express some level of stress associated with - personal performance, lack of appreciation or the good 'ol "Im not where I should be in life." How is it possible that SO MANY "successful" professionals can share the same feelings? I remind you of my concept of EMPTY SUCCESS - the "appearance" of success with an internal lack of fulfillment through personal and professional needs.
When we FOCUS on the "things" society defines for us as success - fancy title, high salary, marriage with children and a pension fund - we sometimes find that we FORGOT about our PERSONAL passions, desires and dreams. I'm not downplaying the ideas of "traditional success" - simply clarifying that YOU are the one that has to LIVE with you decisions... you better make sure SUCCESS looks the way YOU want it to. Do you even know what success LOOKS LIKE to you?
Your task THIS WEEK is to define for yourself a 90 DAY GOAL. This will be a first, small step in the correct direction to your overall REDIRECTION of your life. You will take the 2 degree adjustment and once successful - apply it again. Here is how you will do it:
1. Define your goal in a very specific manner (I want to lose 15 pounds by eating less than 1500 calories and working out 3x per week for 60 minutes)
2. Establish a tracking system (I will write down my diet intake at each meal and keep a log of calories burned in the gym in MS Excel)
3. Make sure your goal is something that is within your reach ("We often OVERESTIMATE what we can do in 1 day and UNDERESTIMATE what we can do in 1 month or 1 year)
4. Ask yourself - Is this realistic that I can achieve this goal? (Set your goal such that it is physically possible to accomplish based on time and energy output)
5. Make sure you stick to your schedule. (By giving yourself a time reference - you create the needed indirect pressure to succeed)
6. WHEN you succeed - CELEBRATE! (all effort deserves a reward - especially when its your own)
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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