Morning Motivator - Cover Your Mouth... It's Contagious

"Enthusiasm is contagious. Be a carrier."
- Susan Rabin

Are sneezes contagious? I have always heard that and no one person is able to give a DEFINITE answer. I think they ARE - not physical contagious like the flu - psychologically contagious like your ATTITUDE.

As I mentioned in yesterdays MM - I am having an AMAZING week! Guess what? So are a lot of the people around me... why?! It's CONTAGIOUS. My POSITIVE attitude of accomplishment and success was spawned Monday morning when my Sales Director came to our team and gave a speech of INSPIRATION, TRUST and HOPE. WOW - what a way to start off a week. He INFECTED me with his POSITIVE attitude and I have been coughing it on as many people as possible for 4 DAYS STRAIGHT! (cough cough)

Now - Look at YOURSELF. Are you ABSORBING the positive attitudes of others? Are you REDISTRIBUTING that to your friends and family? Today CAN be the best day of your life... if you let the EPIDEMIC of positivity take hold.

I have bore my soul a lot this week and I do so to let you know - I do NOT have all the answers, I am NOWHERE near perfect and I STRUGGLE every day with the same challenges we all do. What I have DECIDED to be great at is my ATTITUDE.

I refuse to let negative people affect my mood, my vision or my direction. My ACTIONS are a decision to choose INSPIRATION and MOTIVATION over self doubt and pity (which I do very good when I let myself). BARE YOUR SOUL TO YOURSELF - Choose GREATNESS and do it by choosing a GREAT ATTITUDE!


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