Morning Motivator – Facing the Biggest Fears… Yours

"Fear does not have any special power unless you empower it by submitting to it."
-Les Brown

The past 48 hours qualify as some of the BEST of my life. You ask – WHY? I cannot put a finger on it specifically, however I can share with you some of what has occurred.

As my week began I had a "sit down" with MYSELF and thought about what is IMPORTANT in my life – SUCCESS (as I define it), AFFECTION, RECOGNITION and FREEDOM. I decided that for the month of April I would FOCUS - with laser clarity - on the ACTIONS I know I MUST take to be successful. I FOCUSED on the positives that surround me - I had a close friend share insight into the effectiveness of the Morning Motivator, set high quality meetings in my business and shared 2 of the most intimate discussions with close friends that were surrounded in OVERCOMING fears. My ATTITUDE to overcome fear changed my ability to succeed.

What stands out most was a very difficult discussion with a friend. I know the SHARING was a testament to GROWTH in self and in that person. I wonder – how many of us have HIGH QUALITY discussions with people we care about (personally and/or professionally)? When was the last time you were MOVED in a conversation? A chat that STIRRED your emotions such that all you could consider was how to take ACTION. Do you think a discussion of that sorts would help you GROW your business, your personal relationships, your mind, your spirit? WHO is the one person you KNOW you need to have a HEARTFELT discussion with? What are you waiting for?


Most commonly we are FEARFUL to share our "secrets" with others (the things you don't want to talk about). It's a simple lack of confidence, a negative perception of self worth or even just a basic fear of rejection. Keep in mind, the BEST question to ask is – "If I am NOT honest with myself, does hiding out of FEAR really do this other person any service?"

Here's the REALITY: Your VALUED relationships – friends, family, colleagues, vendors, clients – RESPECT you more for your open and honest discussions than "telling them what they want to hear." We are ALL vulnerable, scared, intimidated and seeking acceptance, caring and success. What you feel is NORMAL and the QUALITY people around you will ENDEAR you more, WHEN you finally have the conversation you FEAR THE MOST. Take the leap – there is someone there to catch you!


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