-Jack Johnson
One of my favorite musical artists is Jack Johnson, a native H'awaiian surfer turned musician. His outlook on life is one of POSITIVITY and INSPIRATION. In one of his songs, the hook is the line "Don't Let Your Dreams Be Dreams…" and every time I hear the line, I am mentally driven to think about what I am doing. Am I allowing my dreams to be just that? Am I taking ACTION towards them or sitting idle? If idle, am I sitting because I am AFRAID that the inability to ACHIEVE them will crush my spirit? Is it better to have dream you never realize than to find your dreams were never right?
Tough questions, eh? I have been asked if I "DO" all the things I mention in my Morning Motivator. Answer: Most. Some are GREAT options for me, some are great options for OTHERS and some are just PROVEN success steps for all. Here's what I can tell you… I DO take action.
Last night, a new friend, Brittney Johnson of Avenue Bank, asked me to come speak to a newly formed group she is leading. I was asked to speak about "Forming a Mission Statement" and planned to be successful in doing so. As our chat progresses, I found we were actually working on "Forming a PERSONAL Mission Statement" and how to integrate that into the group. The GREATER point of this story is that last night – I took steps to REALIZING my DREAMS… public speaking and training groups, in an effort to maximize their potential energy into actionable success! I have to tell you… IT FELT GREAT. I find, every time you take a step towards your dreams, you will find the EFFORT was minimal and the REWARDS were not measurable. Are you letting your "Dreams be dreams?" Take Action!
I am excited to help with this SUCCESS STEP as I am CONFIDENT you already know your DREAMS, HOPES and ASPIRATIONS. If they are not written down – do it. There is POWER in seeing them manifested on paper.
Once written – identify the ONE simple step you can take to achieving. Not a complicated schedule of "I will do this 30 minutes a day, every day, etc" – you won't do it. Just ONE step… "I WILL spend 30 minutes on Saturday." THEN, set another small, manageable, easy goal… eventually, you WILL accomplish all your dreams. Small steps will make big progress. Go rock it out!!!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.
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