Morning Motivator – The Reverse Lessons of College

"Have the courage to be ignorant of a great number of things, in order to avoid the calamity of being ignorant of everything."
- Sydney Smith

I love every day, as you are able to learn so much if you just pay attention. This weekend I was in Louisville, Kentucky for my youngest sisters' birthday. I was able to spend 48 hours with 3 college girls and 1 recent graduate. I find it amazing the differences in thought process from 22 to 29 years of age. More amazing, the things we find IMPORTANT.

In discussing with these girls the idea of pursuing your DREAMS and PASSIONS over MONEY and STATUS, I was amazed at how distorted the view of REALITY is at that age. The idea of graduating college to a $100,000 per year career, Range Rovers and big houses was what was discussed. I do BELIEVE that all those things can be ACHIEVED (even without a university education) and CHALLENGED them to think about the best way to get there. We spoke about "getting a job" with a great company and working our way up the ladder… that's a lot of work in 12 months to get to those goals. My goal was have them think CREATIVELY about the ways in which they can achieve their dreams.

After many hours in the car together (there and back), we had a breakthrough… maybe pursuing the things in life that make you feel GOOD about yourself are what is most important. Maybe the amount of money made is NOT a direct indicator of happiness. Maybe these college kids learned a REVERSE lesson from what they are led to believe in college. Maybe I helped…


Its easy to pick on college kids because they are UNAWARE of the real world ways, yet how many of us have not yet REALIZED that our happiness may not be linked to our title or salary. Do you know anyone that make a RIDICULOUS amount of money, yet seems empty? I have spoken of EMPTY SUCCESS prior and want you each to be careful not to be sucked in, as I was and still battle with, to a world of maintaining an IMAGE to please others… failing to look inward and please yourself.

Take the time daily to FOCUS on your needs, your DESIRES and your PASSIONS. You can have all the money and toys in the world, however without a VISION of happiness and fulfillment – you will likely continue a path towards EMPTY SUCCESS. Take from the college kids… it's the learning of what is important, that is IMPORTANT.


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